About the Author I find it somewhat humorous that I would ever have to contemplate referring to myself as “An Author.” Since this is my first attempt, let’s just refer to me as a “Potential Author in Training.” Ultimately, you the reader will determine that title (Pun Intended) simply by the success or failure of the book (by way of sales). Books I purchase usually reserve the back cover for the self-promotion of the author. Since I am not yet one, I will use the back cover in a different and hopefully more entertaining way. As far as posting a photo of me, I think I will continue to use my alter ego’s picture for now. After all, when an author in their ‘work of fiction’ book includes whacking a few current living world figures….. let’s just say it’s a little bit of a self-preservation issue as well. Who needs a dose of Novichok at my age! What I can tell you; I grew up in the fictional town I called Sherman Falls. Some people will easily figure out the actual name of my hometown, but I had to alter the name for legal reasons (That could be a whole book on its own). While it is a work of fiction, I did use many of my actual life experiences throughout the book as a framework for the fictional story and fictional characters. I am sure there will be a few readers who may claim they recall being at the Collins with me, went to school with me, played hockey with me or they are the real Tina or Maureen 😊. It was very important to provide anonymity to anyone that I chose to include in my story by way of a fictional character and I hope you’re not offended by the name(s) I assigned. Finally, the story is in fact a love story. My love story, and it is not yet finished….. While my journey continues to find a new ‘It-Girl’, my current ‘It-Girl’ remains firmly etched in my memories…. Now, never to be forgotten! 12757982 😊 www.ALetterGuideforRebecca.com Or is it now ….. 13225476082? 😉